Behold, he taketh away, who can hinder him? who will say unto him, What doest thou?

Ver. 12. Behold, he taketh away] Raptim aufert; He snatcheth away, or taketh by force, as a lion doth his prey, or a thief doth another man's goods. Confer Proverbs 23:28. Which if he do, who can repel or turn him back? Here Job plainly alludeth to the taking away of his children, servants, and cattle, the likelihood also of losing his life (according to the Chaldee paraphrast) by his present miseries; which, if it should befall him from God, it would not be safe for him to cavil, or once question God's proceeding, to urge him to restitution, or charge him with oppression; since he is chief Lord of all, and may do with his own what he pleaseth. He is uncontrollable, as Nebuchadnezzar at length acknowledged, Daniel 4:35, and his will is the true and only rule of justice itself, nec solum recta, sed et regula. Wherefore let all the earth keep silence before him, Habakkuk 2:20, and let none presume once to ask him what he hath done, either to question his right to do it, or to question his righteousness in the doing of it.

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