The same was in the beginning with God.

Ver. 2. The same was in the beginning] In the instant of creation, as Genesis 1:1, therefore also before the creation, therefore from eternity, Eph 1:4; 1 Peter 1:10; Proverbs 8:22,23. a "The Lord possessed me" (saith Christ, the essential Wisdom of God there) "in the beginning of his way." Arius corrupted the Greek text, reading it thus, b "The Lord created me in the beginning," &c.; and therehence blasphemously inferred that Christ was no more than a creature. But he was "set up from everlasting from the beginning, or ever the earth was," Proverbs 8:23; Psalms 45:6. c Hence he is called the "Ancient of days," Daniel 7:9. And Thales, one of the seven Sages of Greece, styleth him, "The most ancient of anything that hath being," πρεσβυτατον των οντων .

With God] Being alius another from his Father, not aliud; a distinct person, yet co-essential and co-eternal; for he was with him in the beginning of "the creature which God created," as himself speaketh, Mark 13:19 .

a Hinc Iohannes augustum illud et magnificum Evangelis sui initium assumpsit. Mercer in loc.

b For εκτησε in place of εκτισε .

c Uncta sum in reginam et dominatricem oleo loetitiae. Psalms 45:6 .

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