He first findeth his own brother Simon, and saith unto him, We have found the Messias, which is, being interpreted, the Christ.

Ver. 41. He first findeth] Yet afterwards Peter outstripped Andrew in faith and forwardness for Christ; as likewise Luther did Staupicius, &c. So the first become last, and the last first. But charity is no churl; Andrew calleth Simon, and Philip, Nathanael, &c.; as a loadstone draws to itself one iron ring, and that another, and a third, so, &c.

We have found the Messiah] Little it was that he could say of Christ's person, office, value, virtue, &c., but brings him to Christ. So let us do ours to the public ordinances. Do the office of the sermon bell at least, we know not what God may there do for them. Bring them as they did, the palsy man upon his bed, and lay them before the Lord for healing.

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