And in that day ye shall ask me nothing. Verily, verily, I say unto you, Whatsoever ye shall ask the Father in my name, he will give it you.

Ver. 23. And in that day ye shall, &c.] q.d. Ye shall be so exact and so expert, that you shall not need to ask such childish questions as hitherto ye have done. This is like that of the prophet, "They shall not each man teach his neighbour, saying, Know the Lord! for they shall all know me, from the least to the greatest," Jeremiah 31:34; "They shall be all taught of God." Cathedrum in caelo habet qui corda docet, saith Augustine. And Quando Christus docet, quam cito discitur quo docetur? So St Ambrose, Nescit tarda molimina spiritus sancti gratia. When the Spirit undertakes to teach a man, he shall not be long in learning. Now all God's people have "the unction that teacheth them all things," 1 John 2:20. And as in pipes, though of different sounds, yet there is the same breath in them; so is there the same spirit in Christians of all sizes.

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