His disciples said unto him, Lo, now speakest thou plainly, and speakest no proverb.

Ver. 29. His disciples said unto him] How apt are we to overween our little nothing of knowledge or holiness, to swell with big conceits of our own sufficiency! and, when we see never so little, to say presently, with her in the poet, Consilii satis est in me mihi? (Araehne ap. Ovid;) to think we understand (as St Paul hath it) "all mysteries, and all knowledge!" 1 Corinthians 13:1. How truly may it now be said of many, as Quintilian saith of some in his time, that they might have proven excellent scholars, if they had not been so persuaded of themselves already "Conceitedness cuts off all hope of proficiency," η οιησις εστι της προκοπης εγκοπη .

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