Then the band and the captain and officers of the Jews took Jesus, and bound him,

Ver. 12. Took Jesus and bound him] This was done του λογου ησυχαζοντος, as Irenaeus hath it, while the Deity rested; for he could as easily have delivered himself as he did his disciples, but this sacrifice was to be bound with cords to the altar; he was pinioned and manacled, as a malefactor. So was not Abner; "his hands were not bound, nor his feet put into the fetters," 2 Samuel 3:34. But Christ was bound for our transgressions, he was "bruised for our iniquities." Paul, by his privilege, was freed from whipping; but we by Christ's bondage, from those chains of darkness, 2 Peter 2:4, σειραις ζοφου ταρταρωσας, from those scourges and scorpions in hell.

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