Pilate saith unto him, What is truth? And when he had said this, he went out again unto the Jews, and saith unto them, I find in him no fault at all.

Ver. 38. What is truth?] In a scornful, profane manner. As indeed profane spirits cannot hear savoury words, but they turn them off with a scorn. What is truth? Fastidientis atque irridentis vox, non interrogantis, In a scornful and mocking voice not sincerely seeking, saith Beza. Some think it is vox admirantis; voice of wonder as if Pilate wondered at Christ, that when his life was in question he should talk of truth, q.d. Your life is in danger, and talk you of truth? Politicians think religion niceness. However it was, or with what mind soever, out he goes, and stays not an answer; as Saul bade the priest bring to him the ark, but, ere that could be done, draws forth his army, 1 Samuel 14:18,20 .

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