And hath given him authority to execute judgment also, because he is the Son of man.

Ver. 27. Because he is the Son of man] Or, as he is the Son of man. a By virtue of the hypostatical union, his manhood came as near to God as could be. He had the best natural parts both of mind, Isaiah 11:2,3, and body, Psalms 45:2; and the best supernatural, whereby he found favour also with God, Luke 2:52, for he had more near familiarity with the Godhead than ever had any creature, together with a partner-agency with his Godhead, in the works of mediation, 1 Timothy 2:5. In the state of exaltation, the manhood hath, 1. Excess of glory. 2. The grace of adoration together with the Godhead. 3. Judiciary power, as here and Acts 17:31 .

a οτε, id est καθοτι. Beza.

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