And shall come forth; they that have done good, unto the resurrection of life; and they that have done evil, unto the resurrection of damnation.

Ver. 29. They that have done good] In die iudicii plus valebit conscientia pura quam marsupia plena. Bern., Daniel 12:1,2. Though other things be darkly delivered, yet when the Jews were to lose land and life, the resurrection is plainly described. So Hebrews 11:35 .

Unto the resurrection of damnation] As Pharaoh's baker came forth to be hanged when the butler was exalted. Good therefore is the counsel given us by the heathen orator, Ita vivamus ut rationem nobis reddendem arbitremur. The wicked shall come forth of their graves like filthy toads, against that terrible storm,Psalms 9:17. The elements shall melt like scalding lead upon them, &c., 2 Peter 3:10 ;

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