He was a burning and a shining light: and ye were willing for a season to rejoice in his light.

Ver. 35. He was a burning, &c.] Burning in himself, and shining to others; or as it was said of Basil, thundering in his doctrine and lightning in his life. (Nazianzen.) And of Rogers and Bradford, that it was hard to say whether there were more force of eloquence and utterance in preaching, or more holiness of life and conversation, to be found in them. Like Aaron, they bad pomegranates for savour, as well as bells for sound.

For a season to rejoice] a But he soon grew stale to them; so that they made no more reckoning of him than of "a reed shaken with the wind," Matthew 11:7. Principes favebant Luthero, sed iam iterum videtis ingratitudinem mundi erga ministros, &c., said good Melancthon, in the year of grace 1559.

a αγαλλιασθηναι ' to dance a galliard. It was a formal joy, or jollity rather. John Manl.

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