I know that ye are Abraham's seed; but ye seek to kill me, because my word hath no place in you.

Ver. 37. I know that ye are Abraham's seed] But that will not bear you out; nay, you will fare the worse for it, Romans 2:9; the Jew is first in punishment, because first in privilege. It was cold comfort to Dives, in flames, that Abraham called him son; to Judas, that Christ called him friend; or to the rebellious Jews, that God calleth them his people; since they were the people of his wrath, and the people of his curse, and should speed no better than the children of the Ethiopians,Amos 9:7 .

Because my word hath no place] This was worse than the former, because the root of it; even an evil heart of unbelief, which holds a man in a universal pollution, and maketh him a kill Christ.

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