And it came to pass, when they brought out those kings unto Joshua, that Joshua called for all the men of Israel, and said unto the captains of the men of war which went with him, Come near, put your feet upon the necks of these kings. And they came near, and put their feet upon the necks of them.

Ver. 24. Put your feet upon the necks of these kings.] Not as proudly insulting over them, as that pope did over the emperor at Venice; but to show that he had quite subdued them, as Christ also hath all our spiritual enemies, Rom 8:37 and will tread Satan himself under our feet shortly. Rom 16:20 What, then, though that old serpent shoot his sting into our heel, and make us halt, as that martyr said? yet let us go on, though halting, to heaven, whence the devil is cast down. Rev 12:9

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