And the whole congregation of the children of Israel assembled together at Shiloh, and set up the tabernacle of the congregation there. And the land was subdued before them.

Ver. 1. Assembled together at Shiloh.] a Which, both by the signification of the name, and by the situation of the place, seemeth to some to be the same with Salem, Melchizedek's city, whose palace, Jerome saith, was in his time to be seen in the city Salem, near whereunto John baptized, Joh 3:23 which also, Gen 33:18 according to his translation and the Seventy's, is called the city of the Sichemites, because it stood in the country of the Shechemites, as did also Shiloh. Joshua 24:25,26 ; Jos 18:1 Gen 35:4 Judges 9:6 ; Jdg 21:9

And set up the tabernacle.] According to Deu 12:5 Jeremiah 7:12; and here the tabernacle abode for above three hundred years, till for sin it was removed thence. Jer 7:8 All that I fear, saith a reverend divine b yet living, is, lest according to Mr Herbert's prophecy it prove true, viz., that the gospel be, in its solar motion, travelling for the west and American parts, and quitting its present places of residence and unworthy professors and possessors: and then, farewell, England.

a Ut enim שׁלם pacificam denotat et tranquillam, Gen 34:21 Nah 1:12 ita et שׁלה. Dan 6:1 Unde et Messias "Shiloh" appellatur.

b Mr Baxter.

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