Thus saith the whole congregation of the LORD, What trespass [is] this that ye have committed against the God of Israel, to turn away this day from following the LORD, in that ye have builded you an altar, that ye might rebel this day against the LORD?

Ver. 16. What trespass is this?] Idolatry is a wickedness with a witness; and they that withdraw from God, do it to the perdition of their souls. Heb 10:39

In that ye have builded you an altar.] Another besides that in the tabernacle: whereas God will have but one altar, for a figure of Christ's cross, which was the only true altar.

That ye might rebel.] Wilful disobedience is open rebellion, yea, it is blasphemy. Eze 20:27 But why were these good men, that found the fault, so faulty themselves in passing this rash and harsh censure upon a sinister suspicion, upon a mere mistake? Ea quemque ansa prehendamus quae commode teneri potest, saith Epictetus. If one action had a hundred faces, saith another, we should always cast our sight upon the fairest: "Charity hopeth all things, thinketh no evil"; 1 Corinthians 13:5 ; 1Co 13:7 holdeth that things are reverenter glossanda, as one said of the pontifician law, to have a reverent gloss put upon them. Quarrels grow many times upon mistakes. Cyril, and John, bishop of Antioch, excommunicated one another for heresy on each side objected: so did Cyril and Theodoret; yet afterwards they found that they held the same things, when once they grew to a right understanding of one another's meaning. a

a Act. Conc. Ephesin.

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