And when he had restored the eleven hundred [shekels] of silver to his mother, his mother said, I had wholly dedicated the silver unto the LORD from my hand for my son, to make a graven image and a molten image: now therefore I will restore it unto thee.

Ver. 3. And when he had restored.] Restore your ill-gotten goods, saith father Latimer, or else you will cough in hell, and the devil will laugh at you.

I had wholly dedicated the silver.] Many women are very superstitious. In the Papacy, sundry crosses graven in the pavements of their churches, have indulgences annexed for every time they are kissed: which is so often done, by the women especially, that hard marble is worn with it. a

To make a graven image.] To despite the Lord with seeming honours. A good intention here excused not. Men that would be approved in Christ, as Apelles was, Rom 16:10 must "come to the light" of God's word, "that it may be made manifest that their deeds are wrought in God." Joh 3:21

a Spec. Europ.

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