The trees went forth [on a time] to anoint a king over them; and they said unto the olive tree, Reign thou over us.

Ver. 8. The trees went forth on a time.] An apologue or parable. The like whereunto see 2 Kings 14:9 2Sa 12:2 Matthew 13:2,3, &c. The trees, that is, the men of Israel (Plato compared a man to a tree inverted, with the root above and the branches below) went forth, eundo iverunt, they went hastily, but (to an ill bargain) they returned heavily. They might have foreseen, by his bloody dealing with his innocent brethren, what kind of king they should have of him. But, Deus quos destruit, demental they were infatuated, because destined to destruction.

And they said unto the olive tree, Reign thou over us.] Those that are most unworthy of honour are hottest in the chase of it; while the conscience of better deserts bids men sit still, and stay to be either importuned or neglected. The Venetians have magistrates called Pregadi; because at first men were prayed to take the office, and to help to govern the state.

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