And there went out fire from the LORD, and devoured them, and they died before the LORD.

Ver. 2. And there went out fire.] By fire they sinned, and by fire they perished.

Per quod quis peccat, per idem punitur et ipse:

Nestorii lingua vermibus exesa est. ” - Evag., lib. i.

So Archbishop Arundel's tongue rotted in his head. The Archbishop of Tours in France made suit for the erection of a court called Chambre Ardent, wherein to condemn the Protestants to the fire. He was afterwards stricken with a disease called the fire of God, which began at his feet and so ascended upward, that he caused one member after another to be cut off, and so he died miserably. a

a Act. and Mon., fol. 1911.

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