Thou shalt not avenge, nor bear any grudge against the children of thy people, but thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself: I [am] the LORD.

Ver. 18. Nor bear any grudge.] Heb., Nor keep. There is nothing that a man is more ready to keep than his wrath. Therefore the Hebrews both here and Jeremiah 3:5 Psalms 103:9, put servare for servare iram. But we must neither revenge nor remember; we must not throw away the dagger, and keep the sheath, but both forgive and forget.

But thou shalt love thy neighbour.] See Trapp on " Mat 22:37 " See Trapp on " Mat 22:38 " See Trapp on " Mat 22:39 " See Trapp on " Mat 22:40 " See Trapp on " Rom 13:9 "

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