For he that hath, to him shall be given: and he that hath not, from him shall be taken even that which he hath.

Ver. 25. For he that hath, to him shall be given] Grace grows by exercise, and impairs by idleness; as that side of the teeth which is least used in chewing, is apt to have more rheum a settle upon it. Though both arms grow, yet that which a man useth is the stronger and bigger: so is it in grace. God gives "grace for grace," and his righteousness is revealed from faith to faith; that is, from a less measure to a greater, John 1:16; Romans 1:17. Whereas it is easy to observe an eclipse and decay of God's gifts in them that use them not, till at last they may say with Zedekiah, "When went the Spirit of God from me?"

a Watery matter secreted by the mucous glands or membranes, such as collects in or drops from the nose, eyes, and mouth, etc., and which, when abnormal, was supposed to cause disease; hence, an excessive or morbid ‘defluxion' of any kind. ŒD

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