And commanded them that they should take nothing for their journey, save a staff only; no scrip, no bread, no money in their purse:

Ver. 8. Save a staff] Such a one as may ease and relieve you, not such as may cumber and hinder you, Matthew 10:10. So that seeming contradiction is assoiled.

No money in your purses] Gr. No brass, χαλκον, in your belts. The most usual material of money among the Roman princes was seldom gold or silver, most times brass, sometimes leather. Corium forma publica percussum, as Seneca hath it. The like is said to have been used here in England, in the times of the Barons' Wars. And why not? since opinion sets the price upon these outward good things; and anno 1574, the Hollanders, then being in their extremities, made money of pasteboard.

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