And Josias begat Jechonias and his brethren, about the time they were carried away to Babylon:

Ver. 11. And Josias begat Jechonias] Rob. Stephanus restoreth and rectifieth the text thus: "Josias begat Jakin and his brethren, and Jakin begat Jechonias." For otherwise the middle fourteen (whereby St Matthew reckoneth) would want a man. Jehoahaz, younger brother to Jakin, had, after his father's death, stepped into the throne, but was soon ejected. Usurpation prospers not. Abimelech's head had stolen the crown, and by a blow on his head he is slain at Shechem. What got most of the Caesars by their hasty advancement, nisi ut citius interficerentur? as one hath it. Notandum, saith the chronologer, quod nullus Pontificum, egregii aliquid a tempore Bonifitcii tertii pro sedis Romanae tyrannide constituens, diu supervixerit. Quod et huic Bonifacio accidit. It is remarkable that no pope of any note for activity in his office was long of life.

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