Then Joseph being raised from sleep did as the angel of the Lord had bidden him, and took unto him his wife:

Ver. 24. Then Joseph, being raised from sleep, did as the angel, &c.] As well assured that it was of God, whom he was ready pressed to obey without sciscitation. Iussa sequi, tam velle mihi, quam posse, necesse est. (Lucan.) If some princes will not endure that subjects should scan their laws, but require absolute obedience: if generals excuse not in a soldier the neglect of their commands, but severely punish even prosperous disorders: if Jesuits exact blind obedience of their wretched novices (our Throgmorton dared not give up the ghost till he had obtained leave of his superior), a should not we much more obey God in his commands, counsels, promises, prohibitions, comminations, all?

a In articulo mortis nolebat obire, non impetrata a superiore venia.

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