Fear them not therefore: for there is nothing covered, that shall not be revealed; and hid, that shall not be known.

Ver. 26. Fear them not therefore] Be not reviled out of your religion, but say, If this what it means to be vile, I will be yet more vile. Contra sycophantae morsum non est remedium, saith Seneca. Didicit ille maledicere, et ego contemnere, said he in Tacitus. If I cannot be master of another man's tongue, yet I can be of mine own ears. Dio writes of Severus, that he was careful of what he should do, but careless of what he should hear. a Do well and hear ill, is written upon heaven gates, said that martyr. Ill men's mouths are as open sepulchres, saith David, wherein good men's names are often buried: but the comfort is, there shall be a resurrection as well of names as of bodies, at the last day.

For there is nothing hidden that shall not be known] q.d. Deal not unfaithfully in the ministry: conceal not the truth in unrighteousness, betray not the cause of God by a cowardly silence. For (whatsoever you may plausibly plead and pretend for your false play) all shall out at length: and well it shall appear to the world that you served not the Lord Christ, but your own turns upon Christ: and so yourselves might sleep in a whole skin, let what would become of his cause and kingdom. Fearful men are the first in that black bill,Revelation 21:8. And God equally hateth the timorous as the trencherous.

a εμμελης ην των πρακτεων, αμελης δε των περι αυτου λογοποιουμενων .

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