Fear ye not therefore, ye are of more value than many sparrows.

Ver. 31. Fear not therefore] This is the third time, in six verses, that they and we are bidden to banish this cowardly base passion, this causeless, fruitless, harmful, sinful fear of men. He that fears God needs fear none else. Moses feared not Pharaoh, nor Micaiah Ahab, when they had once seen God in his majesty. Micaiah will not budge or alter his tale; as the lion fiercely pursued, will not alter his gait, they say, though he die for it. Doctor Taylor, martyr, when being sent for by Stephen Gardiner, his friends persuaded him not to appear, but flee. "Flee you," said he, "and do as your conscience leads you, I am fully determined, with God's grace, to go to the bishop, and to his beard to tell him that he doth naught." This he resolved to do, and this he did accordingly. For at his first appearance, "Art thou come, thou villain?" said the bishop. "How darest thou look me in the face for shame? Knowest thou not who I am?" "Yes, I know who you are," said he again, "Doctor Gardiner, Bishop of Winchester and Lord Chancellor, yet but a mortal man, I think. But if I should be afraid of your lordly looks, why fear you not God, the Lord of us all? How dare you for shame look any Christian man in the face, seeing you have forsaken the truth, denied your Master Christ and his word, and done contrary to your own oath and writing? With what countenance will you appear before the judgment seat of Christ, and answer to your oath?" &c.

Ye are of more value than many sparrows] Yea, than many other men, as one pearl is more worth than many pebbles, one little lark than many carrion kites. Noah found more favour with God than all the world besides. The saints are called all things, Colossians 1:20. Tabor and Hermon are put for the east and west of the world, Psalms 89:12, as if there were no world but Judaea, that pleasant land, that land of delight, Daniel 11:16; Daniel 11:41, so styled, because in Judah was God known, and there were those excellent ones in whom is all God's delight,Psalms 16:3. He reckons of men by their righteousness, and accounts such more excellent than their neighbours, whomsoever they dwell by, Proverbs 12:26 .

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