But whosoever shall deny me before men, him will I also deny before my Father which is in heaven.

Ver. 33. But whosoever shall deny me] Not only utterly to renounce Christ, but out of base respects to dissemble him, is to deny him. Peter denied his Master as well in saying, "I wot not what thou sayest," as in swearing he never knew the man. The people of Israel, 1 Kings 18:11, that held their peace only when the prophet had said, "If the Lord be God, follow him," are blamed, and worthily, for their detestable indifference. Indeed, they spake not against the prophet, but they dared not speak with him. Many such cold friends religion hath today. This they will dearly repent and rue, when they come to give account, with the world all on a light flame about their ears, and the elements falling upon them, as scalding lead or running bell metal.

Him will I also deny before my Father] And the Father will entertain none but such as come commended to him by his Son Christ. He will surely cashier all others, as the Tirshatha did those proud priests, that grew ashamed of their profession, and could not find their register, Ezra 2:62 .

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