And a man's foes shall be they of his own household.

Ver. 36. And a man's foes shall be they, &c.] Nicholas of Jenvile, a young man newly come from Geneva, was condemned and set in the cart. His own father, coming with a staff, would have beaten him but that the officers kept him off. Julius Palmer, martyr, coming to his mother, and asking her blessing, "Thou shalt," said she, "have Christ's curse and mine wherever thou goest." John Fetty, martyr, was accused and complained of by his own wife, and she was thereupon struck mad. Another like example there is to be read of an unnatural husband witnessing against his own wife, and likewise of children against their own mother, &c. So this saying of our Saviour is fulfilled. And it was not for nothing that Antigonus prayed so hard to be delivered from his friends; that Queen Elizabeth complained that in trust she had found treason.

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