He that receiveth a prophet in the name of a prophet shall receive a prophet's reward; and he that receiveth a righteous man in the name of a righteous man shall receive a righteous man's reward.

Ver. 41. He that receiveth a prophet in the name, &c.] Though, haply, he be no prophet. This takes away the excuse of such as say, They would do good, if they knew to whom, as worthy.

Shall receive a prophet's reward] Both actively, that which the prophet shall give him, by teaching him the faith of the gospel, casting pearls before him, &c. And passively, that reward that God gives the prophet, the same shall he give his host. Gaius lost nothing by such guests as John; nor the Shunammite or Sareptan by the prophets, Of such Christ seems to say, as Paul did of Onesimus, "If he owe thee ought, put that in mine account: I will repay it,"Philemon 1:18,19 : and he, I can tell you, is a liberal paymaster. Saul and his servant had but five pence in their purse to give the prophet, 1 Samuel 9:8. The prophet, after much good cheer, gives him the kingdom. Such is God's dealing with us. Seek out therefore some of his receivers, some Mephibosheth to whom we may show kindness.

He that receiveth a righteous man] Though not a minister, if for that he is righteous, and for the truth's sake that dwelleth in him, 2 John 1:2. The Kenites in Saul's time, that were born many ages after Jethro's death, receive life from his dust and favour from his hospitality. Nay, the Egyptians, for harbouring (and at first dealing kindly with) the Israelites, though without any respect to their righteousness, were preserved by Joseph in that sore famine, and kindly dealt with ever after by God's special command.

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