These twelve Jesus sent forth, and commanded them, saying, Go not into the way of the Gentiles, and into any city of the Samaritans enter ye not:

Ver. 5. These twelve Jesus sent forth] Out of deep commiseration of those poor scattered sheep, that lay panting for life, and well nigh gasping their last (εσκυλμενοι), Matthew 9:30. Saul, that ravening wolf of Benjamin, and his fellow Pharisees, not only breathed out threatenings, but worried Christ's sheep, that bore golden fleeces,Acts 9:1. Now, because he could not go to them all himseff in person, he sends out the twelve. Thereby also to teach them and us that no minister is so "thoroughly furnished to all good works," 2 Timothy 3:17, but that he may need the advice and help of his fellow labourers. And this, I conceive, was at first the end of erecting colleges and cathedrals.

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