For the Son of man shall come in the glory of his Father with his angels; and then he shall reward every man according to his works.

Ver. 27. In the glory of his Father with his angels] Great will he the glory of the man Christ Jesus at his second coming. He shall come riding on the clouds (not that he needs them, but to show his sovereignty), environed with flaming fire, mounted on a stately throne, attended by an innumerable company of angels (for they shall all come with him, not one of them left in heaven, 2 Thessalonians 1:7; Mat 25:31), who shall minister unto him in this great work irresistibly, justly, speedily, Revelation 15:6, Christ himself shining in the midst of them, with such an exuberance and excess of glory, as that the sun shall seem but a snuff to him. This glory, however it is here called "The glory of the Father," because he is the fountain, as of the Deity so of the divine glory wherewith Christ is crowned, Philippians 2:9; 1 Timothy 3:16; yet is it his own glory (as he is one with the Father and the Holy Ghost), and so it is called, Matthew 25:31; John 17:5. Now if Israel so shouted for joy at Solomon's coronation, and in the day of his espousals, that the earth rang again, 1 Kings 1:40; Song of Solomon 3:11; if the Grecians so cried out " Soter, soter " Saviour, Savior, to Flaminius the Roman general, when he had set them at liberty, that the very birds, astonished at the noise, fell down to the earth: oh, how great shall be the saints' joy to see Christ the King in his beauty and bravery at the last judgment!

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