For where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them.

Ver. 20. There am I in the midst] As to eye their behaviour, so to hear their suits. All that he requireth is, that they bring lawful petitions and honest hearts; and then they shall be sure to receive whatsoever heart can wish or need require. A courtier that is a favourite, gets more of his prince by one suit many times than a tradesman or husbandman haply doth with 20 years' labour: so doth a praying Christian get much goods at God's hands, as having the royalty of his ear and the command of whatsoever God can do for him. Isaiah 45:11; "Concerning the work of my hands, command ye me." Hence that transcendent rapture of Luther in a certain prayer of his, Fiat voluntas mea, Domine. Lord, do my pleasure. And hence that request of St Bernard to a certain friend of his to whom he had given divers directions for strictness and purity, Et cum talis fueris, saith he, memento mei: when thou art become such a one, think on me in thy prayers.

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