Therefore is the kingdom of heaven likened unto a certain king, which would take account of his servants.

Ver. 23. Which would take account of his servants] This God doth daily. 1. In the preaching of the law with its direction or correction, which he that trembleth not in hearing, saith that martyr, shall be crushed to pieces in feeling. 2. In trouble of conscience, which when open, tells us all we have done, and writes bitter things against us, though they be legible only (as things written with the juice of lemons) when held to the light fire of God's fierce wrath. 3. In the hour of death; for every man's death's day is his particular doom's day. 4. At the day of judgment, when we shall appear to give an account, 2 Corinthians 5:10. Good therefore is the counsel of Cicero, 4 in Verr., Ita vivamus ut rationem nobis reddendam arbitremur, Let us so live, as that we forget not our last reckoning. Rationem cum domino crebro putet Villicus, Let the steward often reckon with his master, saith Cato.

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