And he laid his hands on them, and departed thence.

Ver. 15. And he laid his hands on them] So putting upon them his father's blessing, as Jacob did upon Joseph's sons, whom by this symbol he adopted for his own. And albeit our Saviour baptized not these infants (as neither did he those that were larger), yet forasmuch as they were confessedly capable of Christ's gifts, they were doubtless capable of the signs and seals of those gifts; if capable of imposition of Christ's hands, of his benediction and kingdom, then capable also of baptism, which sayeth us, saith St Peter, in the time present, because the use thereof is permanent (though the act transient) so long as one liveth, 1 Peter 3:21. Whensoever a sinner repents and believes on the promises, baptism (the seal thereof) is as powerful and effectual as if it were then presently administered. The Decrees and Book of Sentences say that confirmation is of more value than baptism, and gives the Holy Ghost more plentifully and effectually. And the Papists generally abuse this text, to establish their sacrament of confirmation, or bishoping of children. But, 1. These were little infants, not led, but brought in their mothers' arms. 2. Confirmation, as they use it, was never commanded to Christ's ministers, nor practised by his apostles.

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