Wherefore they are no more twain, but one flesh. What therefore God hath joined together, let not man put asunder.

Ver. 6. They are no more twain] A man's wife is himself, εαυτον, Ephesians 5:28; (as is likewise a man's country, Luke 4:23, to cure his country is to cure himself), and they twain, saith our Saviour in the former verse, shall be εις σαρκα μιαν, into one flesh. The man misseth his rib, and the woman would be in her old place again, under the man's arm or wing; hence no rest till they be re-united and concorporated. "My daughter," said Naomi to Ruth, "should I not seek rest for thee, that it may be well with thee?" Ruth 3:1. Why, then, should there be divorces for light matters? why should there be beating of wives, and laying upon them (as some) with their unmanly fists? Did ever any man "hate his own flesh," Ephesians 5:29, or but hide his eyes from it? Isaiah 58:7, how much less tear it with his teeth, and pull it away piecemeal, unless it were mad demoniacs and rash divorcers? Christ, the best husband, hates putting away, Malachi 2:16; yea, though never so much provoked to it,Jeremiah 3:1; Job 13:1, he will not do it.

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