And whosoever shall fall on this stone shall be broken: but on whomsoever it shall fall, it will grind him to powder.

Ver. 44. And whosoever shall fall on this stone] Christ is a stone of stumbling to his enemies, who stumble at his meanness, and a rock of offence,1 Peter 2:8; but like that rock, Judges 6:21, out of which fire went and consumed them, Nemo me impune lacessit, No one provokes me with impunity, saith he. The Corinthians abused certain Roman ambassadors, and were therefore burned to the ground by Lucius Mummius. For irasci populo Rom. nemo sapienter possit, saith Livy thereupon. Christ is wise in heart and mighty in strength. "Who ever hardened himself against him and prospered?" Job 9:4. Who ever bragged of the last blow? If his wrath be kindled, yea, but a little, woe be to his opposites; but if he fall upon them with his whole weight, he will crush them to pieces, yea, grind them to powder. They can no more stand before him than can a glass bottle before a cannon shot.

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