But all their works they do for to be seen of men: they make broad their phylacteries, and enlarge the borders of their garments,

Ver. 5. To be seen of men] Theatrically, thrasonically, and for ostentation, as stage players, or painted faces. See Trapp on " Mat 6:2 " See Trapp on " Mat 6:5 " Saints more seek to be good than seem to be so.

They make broad their phylacteries] That is, conservatories, so called. 1. Because by the use of them the law was kept in remembrance. 2. Because the superstitious Pharisees conceited, that by the wearing of them about their necks, themselves might be kept from danger, as by so many spells: what they were, see the notes above, on Matthew 22:40 .

Enlarge the borders of their garments] God had charged the Pharisees to bind the law to their hand, and before their eyes, Deuteronomy 6:8, wherein (as Jerome and Theophylact well interpret it) he meant the meditation and practice of his law. They (saith a learned author) like unto the foolish patient, which when the physician bids him take the prescript, eats up the paper; a if they could but get a list of parchment upon their left arm and next their heart, and another scroll to tie upon their forehead, and four corners of fringe, or (if these be denied) a red thread in their hand, thought they might say, "Blessed be thou of the Lord, I have done the commandment of the Lord," 1 Samuel 15:13. What was this but, as Mr Tyndale said in another case, to think to quench their thirst by sucking the ale bowl?

a Ac si puellus audito patris pii vestigiis insistendum, patris iter facientis singula vestigia observaret, et in iisdem pedes suos poneret.

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