And greetings in the markets, and to be called of men, Rabbi, Rabbi.

Ver. 7. And to be called of men Rabbi] They were tickled with high titles, and thought it a goodly thing to be held and styled magnificos, to be fly-blown (putrified) with flatteries. There is not a more vain glorious people under heaven than the Jews. Hence that rabble of titles among them in this order (brought in a little before the nativity of our Saviour), Rabbi Rabban, Rab, Rabbi, Gaon, Moreh, Morenu and Moreh tsedek. So the friars proceed in their vain glorious titles, from Padre benedicto to Padre Angelo, then Archangelo, Cherubino, and lastly Cerephino, which is the top of perfection. Are not these those υπερογκα ματαιστητος the apostle inveighs against, those great "swelling titles of vanity?"2 Peter 2:18; Jude


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