But pray ye that your flight be not in the winter, neither on the sabbath day:

Ver. 20. But pray ye] Christ saith not, Fight ye, but Pray ye. To fight it boots not; for God hath resolved the land's ruin: but prayers are bombardae et instrumenta bellica Christianorum, as Luther hath it, the great guns and artillery of Christians, whereby they may batter heaven, and make a breach upon God himself. Flectitur iratus voce rogante Deus. Something God will yield to the prayers of his people, even when he seems most bitterly bent, and unchangeably resolved against them. Christ here bids them pray, that their flight fall not out "in the winter," when the days are short, ways foul, and all less fit for such a purpose. a "Nor on the Sabbath;" when though it were lawful enough, yet it would be so much the mere uncomfortable. This they were bidden to pray over thirty years before the city was besieged. Aud they had what they prayed for. Their flight was not in winter, for the siege began about Easter, and the city was taken in September. Neither was it on the Sabbath day, as we have cause to believe; for when Christ bids us pray for anything, it is sure he means to bestow it. As when we bid our children ask us this or that, it is because we mean to give it to them.

a χειμα παρα το χεειν. Hyems, παρα το υειν. Bruma, q. Βραχυ ημα, i.e. ημαρ. Becman.

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