But know this, that if the goodman of the house had known in what watch the thief would come, he would have watched, and would not have suffered his house to be broken up.

Ver. 43. He would not have suffered his house, &c.] And shall the children of this world be wiser for their houses than we for our souls? what are these earthly tabernacles, those clayey cottages, to our houses from heaven? All things here are temporial and abject, nec vera, nec vestra, neither true nor yours, subject to vanity and violence. Heaven only hath a foundation, Hebrews 11:10. Earth hath none, Job 26:7. And things are said to be in heaven, but on earth, as ready with the least shake to fall off,Colossians 1:20. There is nothing of any stability or solid consistency in the creature. It is but a surface, an outside, all the felicity of it is but skin deep. Seek, therefore, first God's kingdom, &c.

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