Therefore be ye also ready: for in such an hour as ye think not the Son of man cometh.

Ver. 44. Therefore be ye also ready] Suetonius tells us that it was a piece of Julius Caesar's policy never to forewarn his soldiers of any set time of removal or onset, that he might ever have them in readiness to draw forth whithersoever he would. a Christ, in like manner, who is called the "Captain of our salvation," Hebrews 2:10. Our enemy is always ready to annoy us, should we not, therefore look to our stand, and be vigilant? Solomon's wisdom, Lot's integrity, and Noah's sobriety, felt the smart of the serpent's sting. The first was seduced, the second stumbled, and the third fell, while the eye of watchfulness was fallen asleep.

For in such an hour, &c.] Christ will soonest seize upon the secure,1 Thessalonians 5:3; such shall sleep as Sisera, who ere he awaked had his head fastened to the ground, as if it had been now listening what was become of the soul. See Trapp on " Mat 24:42 "

a Scilicet ut paratum ot intentum momentis omnibus, quo vellet subito educeret.

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