And shall cut him asunder, and appoint him his portion with the hypocrites: there shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth.

Ver. 51. And shall cut him asunder] Gr. διχοτομησει, shall cut him in twain, that is, tear his soul from his body by main force, Job 27:8, throw him out of the world, as it were, by a firma eiectione, and hurl him into hell, there to undergo most exquisite torments, such as they did here that were sawn asunder, Hebrews 11:36,38; hewn in pieces, as Agag, 1 Samuel 15:33; torn limb from limb, as Daniel 3:29; 2 Samuel 12:31 .

And appoint him his portion with hypocrites] Hypocrites then are the freeholders of hell; other sinners are but as tenants and inmates to them, μερος, id quod in divisione obtigit. Lorin.

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