Be ye therefore perfect, even as your Father which is in heaven is perfect.

Ver. 48. Be ye therefore perfect, even as your Father, &c.] The child (saith one) is the father multiplied, the father of a second edition. Of Constantine's sons Eusebius reporteth, that they "put on their father's fashions, and did exactly resemble him." a And of Irenaeus, the same author telleth us that he expressed to the life the learning and virtues of his master Polycarp. It were happy for us (and we must labour it) if we could pass into the likeness of the heavenly pattern. Our summum bonum consists in communion with God and conformity to him; in keeping inward peace with God, that he "abhor us not because of the provoking of his sons, and of his daughters," Deuteronomy 32:19; and in seeking and keeping (as much as may be) peace with all men and holiness; purifying ourselves as he is pure, 1 John 3:3; (in quality, though we cannot in an equality), from the love of every lust (the ground of all our wranglings, Jam 4:1), but especially from the passions and perturbations of the heart, possessing ourselves in patience. For if patience have her perfect work we shall be perfect and entire, wanting nothing, James 1:4. For "perfect" St Luke hath it, "Be merciful," &c., Luke 6:36 .

a ολον ενεδυσαντο τον κονσταντινον εμπρεποντες τπος του πατρος καλλωπισμασιν. Eusebius.

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