For every one that asketh receiveth; and he that seeketh findeth; and to him that knocketh it shall be opened.

Ver. 8. For every one that asketh receiveth, &c.] And he is worthily miserable that will not be happy for asking. "Prayer," saith Lambert the martyr, "is in Scripture much commended, and many great and unmeasurable benefits are shown to ensue thereupon, that men should the more lustily give themselves thereunto." Thus Jacob wrestling with God, both by might and slight (as the word אבק signifieth), both by the strength of his body and force of his faith, he grounded his prayer upon God's gracious promise, which he rolls as sugar in his mouth, and repeats it again and again, Genesis 32:9; Genesis 32:12. See the same course taken, 2 Samuel 7:25; 1 Kings 8:25, &c.; Daniel 9:2,3 Psa 12:5-7 Acts 4:25, &c. Cast anchor of hope in the darkest desertion, wait for day, and pray, as those in the shipwreck,Acts 27:33,44, pleading that precious promise, Isaiah 50:10. This help if we use not, we shall either pray coldly, offer incense without fire; or as the Pharisees, proudly; or as the Thessalonians, as men without hope; which is to deny our own prayers. He cannot possibly be poor that can pray in faith, because God is rich to all such,Romans 10:12, and giveth richly (πλουσιως) to such as so ask,James 1:5. Never did the hand of faith knock in vain at God's gate. The Aediles (or chamberlains) among the Romans had ever their doors standing open, for all that had occasion of request or complaint to have free access to them. God's mercy doors are wide open to the prayers of his faithful people. The Persian kings held it a piece of their silly glory to deny an easy access to their greatest subjects. It was death to solicit them uncalled. Esther herself was afraid. But the King of heaven manifesteth himself to his people, John 14:21, calls to his spouse with, "Let me see thy face, let me hear thy voice," Song of Solomon 2:14; and assigneth her negligence herein as the cause of her soul sickness. The door of the tabernacle was not of any hard or debarring matter, but a veil, which is easily penetrable. And whereas in the temple none came near to worship but only the high priests, others stood without in the outer court; God's people are now a kingdom of priests, and are said to worship in the temple and at the altar, Revelation 11:1; "Let us therefore draw near with a true heart, in full assurance of faith;" "let us come boldly to the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy, and find grace to help in time of need,"Hebrews 10:22; Hebrews 4:16 .

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