And it came to pass, as Jesus sat at meat in the house, behold, many publicans and sinners came and sat down with him and his disciples.

Ver. 10. As Jesus sat at meat in the house] Matthew feasted Christ, for joy of his conversion. Yea, he made a feast, a feast like a king, a very sumptuous feast, as St Luke's word importeth, a he kept open house, a table for all comers. As princes at their coronation straw the streets with coin, make the conduits run wine, release prisoners, &c.; so here. "Kill the fatted calf, and let us be merry," said he at his son's return, Luke 15:23. When a sinner repents there are grand festivals and feasts in heaven: instruments of music are put into the angels' hands, and songs into their mouths. How well paid was Zaccheus, when salvation was come home to his house! When God was once reconciled to the people in the wilderness, after their sin in setting up the golden calf, to testify their great joy and thankfulness, they brought stuff more than enough to the building of the tabernacle. The centurion, when he once became a proselyte, built the Jewish synagogues that had been thrown down by Antiochus, Luke 7:5. And Tyre converted finds another manner of merchandise than formerly, namely, to feed and clothe God's saints with durable clothing,Isaiah 23:18 .

a Luke 5:29, Δοχην. acceptionem, splendidum epulum, ut annotat Erasm. ex Athenaeo.

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