For she said within herself, If I may but touch his garment, I shall be whole.

Ver. 21. If I may but touch his garment] This was a glorious faith of hers, and not much inferior to that of the centurion. Let us in like sort, when we feel the bloody flux of natural filth issuing out at our eyes, mouths, hands, and other parts, repair to Christ, and touch him by faith; so shall we feel that there goes a virtue out from him, to heal the soul. As fishes, when they are hurt, heal themselves again by touching the tench, a finding the slime of his body to be a sovereign salve; so must we, when wounded with sin, have recourse to Christ, and our faith will make us whole every whit.

a A thick-bodied freshwater fish, Tinca vulgaris, allied to the carp, inhabiting still and deep waters ŒD

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