And when Jesus departed thence, two blind men followed him, crying, and saying, Thou Son of David, have mercy on us.

Ver. 27. Two blind men followed him] Misery makes unity. These two could the better agree to go together, because their cases were alike. Hooper and Ridley left jarring when they both were in prison.

Thou Son of David] Thou that art a true man, as we are; and seemest to say unto us, as David did to the men of Judah, "Ye are my brethren, my bone and my flesh," 2 Samuel 19:12; "Have mercy on us." So the Church in Isaiah, when invaded and infested by the Assyrian, cries out, "The stretching out of his wings doth fill thy land, O Immanuel:" q.d. O thou that art also a man, and hast the heart of a man in thee, see to our safety. Necessity makes men beg many times of mere strangers, yea, of deadly enemies; as the Israelites did of the Egyptians, as Benhadad did of Ahab, and as the poor Jews of the Assyrians, Lamentations 5:6. How much more boldly should we beg of Christ, our near kinsman! &c.

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