The women of my people have ye cast out from their pleasant houses; from their children have ye taken away my glory for ever.

Ver. 9. The women of my people] Or, the wives; once wives, but now widows, and therefore calamitous, friendless, comfortless, as a vine whose root is uncovered, as a wandering bird, or a nest forsaken, Isaiah 16:2 .

Have ye cast out from their pleasant houses] Where they had long lived with their husbands in love, peace, and much sweetness, as good Naboth's wife had. This was barbarous cruelty. God had taken order in the law, that none should harm a bird sitting upon her own nest, how much less a daughter of Abraham! Widows and orphans are his clients, Psalms 146:9 .

From their children have ye taken away my glory] i.e. My maintenance and that livelihood that I had allowed them for their better education, which might have redounded to my great glory. Whereas now, being by you bereft both of friends and means, gemunt, fremunt, vobis maledicunt, clamantque vindictam in coelum, saith Montanus, they groan, they moan, they curse you, they cry to me for vengeance.

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