Then [she that is] mine enemy shall see [it], and shame shall cover her which said unto me, Where is the LORD thy God? mine eyes shall behold her: now shall she be trodden down as the mire of the streets.

Ver. 10. Then she that is mine enemy shall see it, &c.] Not only shall I behold his righteousness (as before), but mine enemy shall see it, and feel it too, to her small comfort. They shall see it when it is too late to remedy it; as they say the mole never opens her eyes till pangs of death are upon her.

And shame shall cover her] When she shall see that thou hast showed me a token for good; that thou hast helped me, and comforted me, Psalms 86:17 .

Which said unto me, Where is the Lord thy God?] So laying her religion in her dish, whereby God became interested in her cause, and concerned in point of honour to appear for her. The Church is no less beholden to her enemies' insolence for help than to her own devotions; for God will right himself and her together. See Joel 2:17. See Trapp on " Joe 2:17 "

Mine eyes shall behold her] And feed upon her misery, not as mine enemy, but as God's; nor out of private revenge, but out of zeal for his glory.

Now shall she be trodden down as the mire of the streets] Exit infra omnes infimos: she shall be as mean as may be. Nineveh, that great city, is now a little town of small trade; Babylon is nothing else but a sepulture of herself. Those four monarchies that so heavily oppressed the Church are now laid in the dust, and live by fame only; so shall the Romish hierarchy and Turkish empire. All Christ's enemies shall shortly be in that place that is fittest for them; sc. under his feet, as was before noted; he will dung his Church with the carcases of all those wild boars and bulls of Bashan that have trod it down.

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