Micah 7:11 [In] the day that thy walls are to be built, [in] that day shall the decree be far removed.

Ver. 11. In the day that thy walls are to be built] In the type, by Nehemiah, Nehemiah 3:1,32, who did the work with all his might; and having a ready heart, made riddance and good dispatch of it. In the truth, and spiritually, when the gospel was to be "preached to every creature," Mark 16:15, and a Church collected of Jews and Gentiles. The Church is in the Canticles said to he a garden enclosed; such as hath a wall about it and a well within it, Song of Solomon 4:12. See Trapp on " Son 4:12 " God will be favourable in his good pleasure unto Zion, and build the walls of Jerusalem, Psalms 51:18. His spirit also will set up a standard in his saints, against strong corruptions and temptations; and make them more than conquerors, even triumphers, Isa 59:19 Romans 8:37 2 Corinthians 2:14 .

In that day shall the decree be far removed] That decree of the Babylonians, forbidding the building of the temple and city, shall be reversed; and those statutes that were not good (given them by Gods permission, because they had despised his statutes, Eze 20:24-25), shall be annulled, and removed far away. Some read it, In that day shall the decree go far abroad; and interpret it, by Psalms 2:7,8, of the doctrine of the gospel.

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