The good [man] is perished out of the earth: and [there is] none upright among men: they all lie in wait for blood; they hunt every man his brother with a net.

Ver. 2. The good man is perished out of the earth] Heb. The saint, or, gracious man, that out of mercy obtained from God, can extend mercy to men. Rari quippe boni. Of such it may be said, as one doth of faithful friends in this age, that they are all (for the most part) gone on pilgrimage; and their return is uncertain.

And there is none upright among men] None (to speak of) that maketh straight paths for his feet, Hebrews 12:13, that foots it aright (ορθοπαδει), according to the truth of the gospel, Galatians 2:14, that walketh evenly, Genesis 17:1, and accurately (ακριβως), as it were by line and by rule, Ephesians 5:15, and that halts not between two opinions, as those Israelites; but is right in his judgment, and undefiled in his way, Psalms 119:1, rather desiring to be good than to seem to be so: few such to be found surely; black swans you may count and call them.

Sed nec Brutus erit, Bruti nec avunculus usquam ”(Juven.).

They all lie in wait for blood] A company of sanguinaries, blood suckers, hunting for the precious lives of men; but especially of such as reprove them in the gate. If you touch them in their lusts, they will seek to touch you in your life, as Joash did Zechariah, and as the priests and people said of Jeremiah, This man worthy to die. All malice is bloody, and wisheth him out of the world whom it spiteth.

They hunt every man his brother with a net] They add fraud to their force and craft to their cruelty; these seldom go sundered: as some write of the asp, he never wanders alone without his companion with him; and as the Scripture speaks of those birds of prey and desolation, none of them shall want their mate, Isaiah 34:16. The matter is made the worse, because it is a brother whom they hunt: whether he be so by race, place, or grace, a brother should be better dealt with.

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