Then I commanded, and they cleansed the chambers: and thither brought I again the vessels of the house of God, with the meat offering and the frankincense.

Ver. 9. Then I commanded] This was governor like: and blessed be he that hath a stomach for God, and will do his utmost for him, as occasion requireth. Of Nehemiah it might well be said, as Chrysostom doth of Peter, that he was like a man made all of fire, walking among stubble; or like Basil, who was said to be a pillar of fire; he was of such a masculine, disengaged, courageous disposition.

And they cleansed the chamber] The Levites did, with their legal rites and purifications, according to their office, which Nehemiah would not invade.

And thither brought I again] And so set things to rights, as our late reformers began happily to do; but Satan hath hitherto hindered them.

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